DMA 806S: Social Network and Analysis 3 CREDITS

Social network analysis involves a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods for describing, measuring and analysing social and spatial networks. Students will be taken through the process of identifying influential individuals, track the spread of information, disease and ideas through networks, and how to apply these techniques.

Course Objectives:

Students should be able to:

  • Explain the various concepts, methods, and applications of social network analysis drawn from the social and behavioral sciences.
  • Analyze relational data measured on groups of social actors.

Course Content

Topics to be discussed include an introduction to graph theory and the use of directed graphs to study structural theories of actor interrelations; structural and locational properties of actors, such as centrality, prestige, and prominence; subgroups and cliques; equivalence of actors, including structural equivalence, block models, and an introduction to role algebras.

Main Text

  • Scott, J. (2017). Social Network Analysis, Fourth Edition. Sage Publishing

Suggested Reading List

  • Borgatti, S. P., Everett, M. G., & Johnson, J. C. (2013). Analysing Social Networks. Sage Publications
  • Kadushin, C. (2011). Understanding Social Networks: Theories, Concepts, and Findings. Oxford University Press