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Data Science and Analytics Research

This Data Science and Analytics Research course is designed for Graduate students to apply data science and analytics tools and techniques in multidisciplinary research. This course would be integrated or replaced with one of the courses in the PhD in Economics, Business Management or Finance Programs. The course is built on a theoretical foundation and practical that will enable students to gain exposure and practical knowledge about data modelling, machine learning, statistical methods, and data visualization for solving complex research problems. The course is also built on collaborative and engagement learning pedagogies that consist of lectures, case studies, and interactive discussions. At the end of this course, students will also be able to put a research proposal together for publication or grant proposal through a capstone research project.

Quantitative Methods

This course is geared towards enhancing the skills of graduate students to effectively implement quantitative methodologies in their research work. It begins with a review of descriptive statistics and graphical analysis, Sampling and survey methodology, Inferential statistics and hypothesis testing, identifying appropriate statistical techniques that fits specific research questions and hypotheses, factor analysis and various types of regression analysis with specific emphasis on the interpretation of regression outputs.

Qualitative Methods

The objective of this course is to equip students with needed skills to design and undertake qualitative research. The training will cover issues related planning qualitative research, developing field notes, processes of collecting qualitative data, and qualitative data analysis. This course will also consider issues related to phenomenological methods, grounded theory, narrative analysis, discourse analysis among other topics.

Data Analytics

The Data Analytics course implemented in modules. The modules in these courses include Data Wrangling, Exploratory Data Analysis, Data Visualisation, Regression Analysis, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Time Series Modelling, and Structural Equation Modelling. For Data Analytics, the centre uses R and Python for such training programmes. 

Training for Organisations and Institutions

The Centre also provides specialised training programmes for State owned organisations and private sector organisations that requires specific training in Data Management and Analysis. In the past, the Centre has provided training for Statistical Officers of the Local Government Service, the Ghana Statistical Service as well as research departments of government agencies. Apart from these training services, the Centre also provides support services for state agencies such as the National Development Planning Commission and the Ghana Statistical Service.